Elite Pool Building & Management


We build pools of any shape and size

Our team of experts takes pride in delivering exceptional service and workmanship. We are committed to ensuring that every project we undertake is completed to the highest standards, on time, and within budget.

Our Services

Complete Pool Solutions and Maintenance

We are a team of highly experienced professionals with over 20 years of expertise in the pool industry. We offer a range of top-quality services to meet your needs, including building new pools, re-marbelite, re-fibre glass, pool pump installation, solar panel installation, pool renovations, and water feature installation.

New Pool Design & Construction

We build pools of any shape and size! We can also supply and install water features.

Professional Pool Maintenance & Renovations

Old pool? No problem, we renovate and re-marbelite old pools!

Supply & Installation of Pumps & Solar Blankets

We supply and install pumps, filters, filter boxes, DB boxes, saltwater chlorinators and heat pumps.

We can supply and install heat pumps and solar blankets. 

About Us

Trusted Pool Designs & Easy Maintenance

We build new pools of any style and shape according to your wishes. All our work carries a guarantee of 10 years. The service we offer includes all electrical and plumbing installations.


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Pool Solutions

Comprehensive Pool Service & Repair

Pool Cleaning

Water Testing

Tile Cleaning

Pool Opening


Reasons to Select Us

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Expert Staff

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Fast Service

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Safety First

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Highly Rated

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Awards Earned

Expert Team

Projects Done

Our Team

Experienced Pool Repair Technicians

Benjamin Scott

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Olivia Bennett

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Alexander Patel

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Emily Taylor

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Photo Gallery

Gallery of Unforgettable Memories


What people say about our services

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Gabriel Williams,

Require Exceptional Cleaning & Maintenance?