Pumpable Anchor Grout

Pumpable Anchor Grout is a one component non shrinkage grout/Mortar with waterproofing qualities and is a pump able grout for support and structural uses in civil and mining industries.
- Geotech Pump able anchor grout is a cementitious non-shrink grout designed for the anchoring of rebar or dowels in concrete, masonry or rock.
- Geotech Pump able anchor grout is available in 25kg bags or in 2kg socks.
- Geotech Pump able anchor grout is containing a mix of calcium aluminates cement silica sand and selected additives
- This dry pre-mixed cement grout is a fast setting thixotropic grout and is easily inserted in the anchoring hole.
- Mining anchor.
- Dams and tunnels.
- Bridges.
- Highway and airport slabs.
- Reservoirs and water structures.
- Retaining or building walls.
- Concrete formwork anchors.
- Structural repairs.